Thank you for being a part of this Holiday Market!
This is a Vendor/ Participant page only. We will provide info for the event so if you could spare a couple moments to fill out the info sheet for your business for promotional purposes, it will be used to add info about you and your business during the event promotion duration.

Our schedule for the event is as follows.
Wednesday, 11- 20 Save The Date announcement
Thursday 11-21 Event is posted on Social Media, Longleaf website
* A new flyer will be posted with available vendor info

Please share the event from the Longleaf FB page, or the Longleaf Linktree.

Welcome to the Annual Holiday Market at Longleaf!

Event Info
- Holiday Market held at The Farm House.
- Free cookies and Hot Chocolate while supplies last.
- Letter Station – create a letter for Santa.
- Santa will be onsite starting at 11:30am. Photo opportunities will be available from Mr. & Mrs. Santa Ken Kringle
- Meriwether County Animal Shelter will be onsite with animal adoptions.
- Bring a Toy for the Salvation Army and get a ticket to win a Yeti Cooler
- Towerhouse will have a Mimosa Bar setup onsite for the event.

Event Name: Holiday Market
Event Date: Saturday – 12.14.24
Event Timeline: 8am - Setup
10am – Guests Begin to Arrive
2pm – Event Ends
Event Address: 18830 Highway 85, Gay, GA 30218